Some birds pooped on my car
These birds pooped near and far
Oh they pooped
And they pooped
And they pooped again
Their shock and awe pooping
It was a bird sin
Yes my car
The game
The target
They would not miss
Parking at the airport
In Indianapolis
Thou poopest once
Thou poopest twice
Thou poopest over 100 times
Thou was not nice
To these birds
I lost the battle
My car looked like the gum wall in Seattle
So in honor of these birds
I took out my gum
I placed it on my hood
You might think that is dumb
I pressed my gum
Into my hood
I had a moment
As there I stood
I parked under a tree
What should I expect?
I give those bird snipers
My utmost respect
To these birds
This was no crime
I went immediately to a car wash
Not once but 4 times
There was a lesson
These bad birds taught me
If you want to park at the airport
Maybe don't park under a tree
